1st Heat Pump Day in Lower Saxony


The 1st Lower Saxony Heat Pump Day took place at the end of February and our colleague Marius Raabe from Mull und Partner Ingenieurgesellschaft in Osnabrück was able to contribute with his report on our experience in planning and operating heat pumps in residential construction.

The coalition agreement of the new German government contains ambitious targets, including in the heating sector: by 2030, the renewable share in the heating sector is to be 50 percent, and from 2025, every new heating system is to be 65 percent powered by renewable energies.

The decisive key to this complex task is provided by heat pump technology. Studies show that by 2030 the number of heat pumps in Germany must increase from about 1.1 million now to over 5 million. For Lower Saxony, this means 500,000 new heat pumps. To achieve this, all stakeholders must act in a concentrated manner within the framework of a joint heat pump initiative.

In his presentation, Environment and Energy Minister Olaf Lies emphasised the importance of heat pumps for the success of the energy transition: "Heat pumps are the central instrument for making the building stock climate-neutral in the long term. [...] Therefore, it is also important to look at the heat transition in the building sector more holistically - away from the energy balance to a real climate balance."

How to integrate them sensibly into planning was highlighted by our colleague Marius Raabe in his presentation in the afternoon. Especially in combination with other technologies from the field of renewable energies, the heat pump is a sustainable and long-term solution for residential construction.

Now it is important to create planning security for investors and private homeowners, to ensure reliable funding and to support the skilled trades in their search for skilled workers.

We at Mull und Partner Ingenieurgesellschaft will actively support you in this!

#wende of heat #heme pumps 1TP5Heating #wende of energy #energy


  1. Lower Saxony Heat Pump Day - Klimaschutz- und Energieagentur Niedersachsen (
  2. Lower Saxony Heat Pump Day - Klimaschutz- und Energieagentur Niedersachsen (