Post-mining meeting 2023

This year, the 51st post-mining meeting took place around the Königsstein Fortress and focused on sandstone as a building material: "From building sandstone to rock support - use and protection of natural resources in Saxon Switzerland". The picture shows this year's excursion participants in the Mühlleite Lohmen quarry.

The Mining Consequences Working Group in the DGGV has been organising conferences for 28 years, where interested audiences from the raw materials industry, engineering offices, authorities and universities can take part in series of lectures and exciting excursions.

Already since 2014, one of our staff members has been present there every year to maintain the network and professional exchange. The meeting is a great opportunity to make contacts and visit normally inaccessible mining and production sites.

For all those interested: the next post-mining meeting will deal with the topic "Biolong-term monitoring in post-mining landscapes - 30 years of knowledge gain in Lusatia".