Welcome to the team ... Simon Ritter!

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We are pleased to welcome Dr. rer. nat. Simon Ritter as Project Officer Hydrogeology/Waste Sites!

Simon completed his bachelor's degree in geosciences at the University of Heidelberg. His affinity for South America first became apparent here in the title of his bachelor's thesis: "Geothermometry on natural spring waters from Poços de Caldas, Minas Gerais, Brazil".

After studying abroad for a year in São Paolo, Brazil, Simon returned to Heidelberg for his Master's degree in Sedimentary and Hydrogeology.

His master's thesis deals with the hydrogeochemistry, lime tuff formation and temporal development of the lime tuff system Kaisinger Sinterterassen in Greding, Bavaria.

As a research assistant at the Institute of Environmental Physics, Simon studied groundwater for geothermal exploration in the Upper Rhine Graben and was a member of the hydrogeochemistry and hydrogeology working group in the project " zur Speicherung und Nutzung von Wärme im oberflächennahen Aquifer (ATES)".

For his doctorate, Simon researched unusual underwater speleothems ("Hells Bells") in South America.

Simon remained loyal to the Hydrogeochemistry and Hydrogeology working group as a post-doc until he moved to MuP Umwelttechnik GmbH in April.

We look forward to working together!


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