Headline: Twelve employees acquire the expertise for safety and health protection when working in contaminated areas


Together with the Verwaltungs-Berufsgenossenschaft, an in-house seminar was held from 25 to 29 April on the premises of the VBG in Seligmannallee in Hanover to acquire the expertise for safety and health protection when working in contaminated areas. Mr. Kupka and Dr. Stange-Bopp from the VBG as well as Mr. Hartmann from M&P were available as lecturers for the seminar. The seminar and the final examination met the requirements of DGUV regulation 101-004 and the technical rules for hazardous substances TRGS 524. Twelve colleagues from the Hanover and Osnabrück sites took part in the seminar. All participants successfully passed the final examination and have thus proven their expertise in working in contaminated areas. From now on, they can work as coordinators on construction sites with contaminated areas and draw up work and safety plans in accordance with TRGS 524. In addition, they can carry out instructions as responsible persons and prepare risk assessments and operating instructions.

In the seminar, the participants were taught various contents that are important for working in contaminated areas. In addition to the basics resulting from the state and employers' liability insurance association legal areas, the contents of TRGS 524 and DGUV-R 101-004 were taught in detail. Hazardous substance properties and the corresponding protective measures were discussed in detail and an introduction to occupational medicine was given by a VBG physician. After the contents of the course had been imparted, the participants had to prepare a work and safety plan for three case studies in working groups. Group 1 dealt with the topic of a contaminated site clean-up, group 2 had to draw up an A+S plan for a building clean-up and group 3 had the task of drawing up the A+S plan for a fire damage clean-up. All three groups completed the tasks with flying colours and then presented their concepts in the seminar.

For the planning of remediation work in contaminated areas, we offer our clients the preparation of work and safety plans (A+S plans) in accordance with DGUV-R 101-004 / TRGS 524. For work in contaminated areas, the building owner/client is obliged to pass on a description of the type and concentration of hazardous substances and the safety measures to the remediation company/contractor. This information must be passed on as an A+S plan.

In addition to general data on those involved and responsible and a description of the site, the A+S plans we draw up contain a presentation of the results of the hazardous substances relevant to the project, a description of the activities within the scope of the remediation project, a risk assessment and the planning of the protective measures.

On Friday, the participants had to pass a written test to obtain the certificate of competence.


#Accupational safety




