Implementation concept disposal

Photo 1 Construction site ED5 scaled

In Bahnstadt in Heidelberg, a large pile of excavated material is stored in the area of construction site ED5. The heap is made up of excavated earth from various construction measures in the Bahnstadt in recent years and is now to be disposed of/recycled in order to prepare the ED5 construction area for further development.🚞

MuP Umwelttechnik has now prepared a so-called implementation concept for the client for sampling and disposal of the heap, including a rough cost estimate.🚆

The heap comprises approx. 20,000-24,000 m³ of soil material of quality level Z 2, whereby the previous declaration is based on very selective sampling and analyses. For disposal, further sampling, waste-legal analyses for the parameters of the VwV Boden Baden-Württemberg and the Deponieverordnung (DepV) and waste-legal classifications based on these are therefore necessary. The implementation concept for disposal therefore includes a sampling concept for the waste-legal declaration of the heap.

Construction site ED5, where the rubble is currently located, is in the west of the Bahnstadt planning area and is bordered to the south by the so-called Promenade, a cycle path and footpath, to the east by the future Eppelheimer Terrasse, an open space that is currently still fallow, and to the north and west by the tram tracks of Rhein-Neckar-Verkehr GmbH (RNV). Accordingly, access to the mound is difficult for trucks and the excavator required for the measure. In consultation with RNV, various scenarios for access were elicited, whereby most of the level crossings that have already been provisionally created cannot be used because they are not designed for motor traffic.

In the implementation concept, various options for access with and without using the crossings over the tram line 🚥 are discussed and recommendations are made. The decision as to which access and exit for sampling and disposal is favoured in further planning lies with the client.

Lastly, the costs for the measure - as far as possible at the current planning stage - are estimated within the framework of a rough cost estimate. This includes both the costs for sampling and analysis, but also the costs 💶 for disposal and transport as well as the construction of the site access road. Where possible, safety margins were also included, for example in the assumption regarding the waste classification of the soil and in the transport costs with regard to the current fuel price development.


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