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Initial status report for a foundry in Hanover

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Initial status report for a foundry in Hanover

According to § 3 of the 4th BImSchV, Leichtmetall Aluminium Giesserei Hannover GmbH is an installation that falls under the Industrial Emissions Directive (IED Directive). As part of the licensing procedure for the approval of a new raw material storage facility, the preparation of an initial status report (AZB) was required.

In the period from June to September 2016, the Hanover branch of Mull und Partner Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH prepared an AZB for soil and groundwater for this plant site.

Relevance test: basis for plant-related soil and groundwater protection

The substances used, produced or released on the plant property were assessed with regard to their material hazard and quantities, and possible exceptions and the spatial framework conditions were reviewed.

As a result, it was not necessary to conduct new soil and groundwater investigations in this case, and the CSA was concluded at this point.