Technical article: Minimum requirements for a groundwater investigation

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Christoph Richter, Managing Director of M&P Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH, Cologne, based in Hagen, has participated in the working group "Groundwater in Solid Rock in NRW" and published the following article on the topic together with two co-authors in issue 3 of the Altlasten Spektrum.

Technical article: Minimum requirements for an investigation of groundwater in bedrock

The investigation of groundwater in fissured rock is extremely complex and time-consuming. In order to investigate suspected cases and deal with cases of damage that have occurred, sufficient knowledge of the existing groundwater conditions is required. This knowledge is often not available and the corresponding investigations are very labour-intensive and costly. Therefore, an appropriate investigation strategy is needed to optimally plan, design and ultimately carry out the case handling...

Read more: Herweg_Richter_Wolf_Minimum_requirements_AltlastenSpektrum_June_2019