Successful completion of biological groundwater remediation in Achern

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Successful completion of biological groundwater remediation in Achern

After just under 1 ½ years of remediation operation and a further 6 months of monitoring, the biological in-situ remediation of the groundwater on a former industrial site in Achern was successfully completed at the end of May. The plant technology was subsequently dismantled.

Based on detailed and remediation investigations, the microbiological in-situ remediation had been identified as the preferred remediation method in the remediation plan we developed.

The remediation method used is based on the support of microorganisms present at the site in the degradation of pollutants directly in the soil, which were previously detected in the in-house laboratories. To accelerate the natural degradation processes, nutrients and electron acceptors are added to the groundwater. For this purpose, groundwater is taken from the damage centre and enriched with nutrients and electron acceptors. Subsequently, most of this enriched water is infiltrated back into the aquifer in the fringe area of the underground contamination. In this way, microorganisms in the contaminated subsoil are specifically supported in their metabolic processes to break down the pollutants.

The remediation area was also hydraulically secured along with the biological remediation process to prevent the pollutants from flowing away.

Regular examinations of chemical and biological parameters showed the increased biological activity. This resulted in a decrease in the local contamination of the groundwater with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), mineral oil hydrocarbons (MPHs) and aromatic hydrocarbons (ARCs). Through regular adjustments of the process parameters, the entire remediation area was optimally supplied, which had a very positive effect on the remediation period.

In addition to our technical expertise, a constant exchange with the client and the authorities, as well as integration into the processes of preparing for construction and marketing, were decisive for the rapid completion of the redevelopment.

Based on our expert assessment, the area of approx. 12,500 m² was ready for construction. The authorities agreed to the development of the centrally located urban area with residential and commercial space.

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