Dismantling of the Steag coal-fired power plant in Lünen

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Dismantling of the Steag coal-fired power plant in Lünen

In 2019, the Hagedorn Group acquired the former STEAG coal-fired power plant in Lünen. Electricity was produced on the approx. 440,000 m² site from 1938 to 2018. The demolition of the more than 50 existing buildings of the power plant and the conversion into an industrial and commercial area has been underway since April 2020. In addition to the regular demolition work, the cooling tower, the boiler house and the chimneys, which are up to 250 m high, are to be blown up.

In the run-up to the extraordinary redesign measures, extensive investigations were carried out by several employees of our site in Hagen with regard to the contaminated site situation, the building ground as well as the deconstruction.

In order to clarify the contaminated site and waste situation as well as to explore the subsoil, a total of more than 200 small pile-driven boreholes and pile-driven soundings were sunk to a maximum depth of 13 m below ground level on the entire power plant site as well as inside the buildings within the very tight time limit of 2 months. Countless samples were chemically analysed by a certified laboratory and evaluated by our staff on a piecework basis with regard to the BBodSchV as well as LAGA and DepV.

Due to the low groundwater level and the proximity to the regional receiving water Lippe, additional groundwater measuring points were set up to check and monitor the quality of the groundwater. For the deconstruction and reuse concept, a total of 70 buildings (parts of buildings) were inspected and examined for building substance such as masonry and floor slabs as well as potential building pollutants.

The explorations carried out by our office in Hagen are now being used for the dismantling of the power plant, for site preparation and for the realisation of the new buildings. The first building coring has already begun. Our staff will provide expert support for the deconstruction and the parallel remediation and site preparation measures, as well as for the further on-site ecological monitoring of the process.

Client: Hagedorn Revital GmbH

Place: Lünen

Business area: Environment and geotechnics, building demolition

Start: 2019

End: Not yet completed

Branch office: Hagen (Cologne: cooperation; Hanover: species protection)

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