External monitoring of a groundwater purification plant

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External monitoring of a groundwater purification plant

Groundwater is the basis of our existence. A good condition of this is one of the most important challenges for a secure future! At Mull & Partner, we face up to the tasks and problem solutions surrounding the topic of "groundwater" on a daily basis, in this case in the form of planning, acceptance and monitoring of a groundwater remediation system.

In the early 1990s, environmental damage caused by volatile chlorinated hydrocarbons (VCHCs) was discovered on the premises of a former dry cleaning and dyeing plant. This was followed by small-scale soil remediation and treatment of the groundwater using Enhanced Natural Attenuation (ENA). Within the scope of a remediation variant study, M&P identified the need for further remediation. A corresponding remediation plan was drawn up by us and has been implemented step by step since 2017. The building demolition and the complete soil replacement by means of large boreholes up to 14.0 m below ground level have already been carried out according to plan, so that the sources of damage in the soil could be removed. To enable a higher-quality land use up to residential development, the soil near the surface (up to approx. 4.0 m below ground level) was replaced with conventional excavated soil. With the help of a groundwater purification system (pump and treat), the remaining pollutant potential in the groundwater has been removed since August 2020. In addition to the high pollutant content, the high iron content poses a particular challenge.

Thanks to the successful cooperation of all parties involved, the plant was built and commissioned on schedule. The project will continue to be supervised by M&P in the current monitoring cycle. We are pleased to have once again contributed to a less polluted environment with our expertise.

#m&pgroup #mullandpartner #engineeringforabettertomorrow #cleanwater