Quick Check Studies

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Quick Check Studies

An investment decision for the acquisition of a site and its subsequent development depends on a large number of individual components.

In addition to the actual price, other criteria are increasingly in the foreground, especially in the development of pre-used sites, which result from, among other things, any existing buildings, possible contaminated sites or nature conservation issues, and which also decide on the feasibility of the project planning.

Mull und Partner Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH (M&P) examines the development possibilities for such areas for the investor. For this purpose, we prepare a so-called "quick check study" as a first step. This study is intended to provide the basis for the necessary planning security for the further development of the site and to enable a further economic examination of the site.

The content of the work varies, of course, depending on what kind of previous use the area has had and what kind of subsequent use is envisaged.

As a standard, a quick check study includes statements on planning law, building ground, traffic development, supply and disposal facilities such as electricity, gas, district heating, telecoms, etc. But topics such as the status of explosive ordnance detection, nature conservation and species protection issues or noise studies and possible radon exposure can also be relevant.

Again and again, special topics such as the protection of archaeological monuments are added, for example when a Viking settlement is suspected in the middle of a commercial area.

The aforementioned topics are complemented by a general supplementary assessment of the site conditions. M&P helps you to get an overview so that you are not surprised by a dealbreaker in the middle of the project planning.

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