Redevelopment of the postal area in Heidelberg

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Redevelopment of the postal area in Heidelberg

Engineering for a better tomorrow: Heidelberg's Bahnstadt, the "district of the future", is growing rapidly. The former post office area south of the main railway station is soon to be developed.

The investor relies on our services for the cost and risk assessment of the site development. MuP Umwelttechnik examines the subsoil and the building fabric.

For this purpose, soundings and drillings up to a depth of 15 m have already been carried out in order to obtain soil samples for waste and environmental as well as geotechnical assessment. Due to the proximity of the former marshalling yard, which was in operation during the Second World War, the drilling points had to be checked in advance for explosive ordnance.

From the results of the investigations, MuP Umwelttechnik GmbH derives possibilities for the safe foundation of the planned new development. In addition, an estimate is made of the possible costs arising from the disposal of excavated soil or the remediation of any existing contaminated sites.

Furthermore, MuP Umwelttechnik examines the building fabric of the existing buildings and provides a pollutant inventory as a basis for safe handling of pollutants (e.g. asbestos). The expected costs for building demolition and clearing the construction site are also determined. This includes, for example, the removal of surface coverings (e.g. blacktop/asphalt or concrete paving stones) and foundations or similar in the subsoil of the construction site.

#mullandpartner #engineeringforabettertomorrow #whatwedo #projects 

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