Structural redesign of a school campus in Hamburg

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Structural redesign of a school campus in Hamburg

In Hamburg, the redesign of a school campus to modernise and expand school operations is planned. Furthermore, an additional grammar school is to be located on the school site.

For the implementation of the planned new development, the approx. 3 ha site was thoroughly investigated in 2018, whereby in particular subsoil investigations of the subsoil, contaminant investigations of the soil and the building substance as well as environmental mapping of protected species were carried out. Furthermore, information was obtained on the suspicion of blind dropped munitions from the time of the Second World War as well as the general suspicion of explosive ordnance. M&P was extensively involved in these investigations and prepared a species protection report, explosive ordnance investigation and soil management concepts, a subsoil report incl. foundation recommendations for the planned new development and a deconstruction and disposal concept for the demolition of the old development on the basis of the findings.

At the beginning of 2019, the building demolition, divided into 2 phases, started with the former primary school buildings to the west of the site. This work was completed in spring 2019. In spring 2019, M&P employees also carried out the work to implement the species protection concept, including the installation of bird nesting boxes and bat boxes on buildings to be preserved and existing trees, and the salvage of water lilies from the school ponds to be deconstructed. The demolition of the buildings of the former grammar school in the east of the site started at the same time as the explosive ordnance investigation in August 2019. The demolition of the buildings was completed in June 2020, and the explosive ordnance investigation including earthworks is expected to be completed in February 2021. The work on the building demolition and the explosive ordnance investigation was and is being accompanied by M&P as an expert.

Special features in the course of the deconstruction and earthworks were the salvage of two works of art prior to the deconstruction of the building and the archaeological site supervision of the earthworks on part of the property. From one of the buildings to be deconstructed, a glass mosaic on concrete in a steel frame measuring 300 cm x 155 cm x 5 cm and weighing approx. 250 kg was recovered from the staircase between the 1st and 2nd upper floors. In addition, there was a sundial with a ceramic mosaic on a concrete base in the outdoor area of the school grounds. The sundial has a diameter of 161 cm and a base height of approx. 40 cm on a concrete foundation. The foundation was cut 70 cm below the mosaic using a band saw and the work of art weighing approx. 4,000 kg was recovered.

The archaeological heritage department researched suspicious points for possible archaeological finds on parts of the property, which resulted from the former use by ceramic manufactories. Therefore, the earthworks for explosive ordnance sounding were carried out on the partial areas with archaeological suspicion points. Several waste pits were encountered in the southern area of the site, which contained misfired pottery and sherds from the former pottery production. The finds were dated to the 18th century.

The completion of the works supervised by M&P is expected for spring 2021 and the summary documentation of the completed works will be handed over to the client. Following this, the building construction work will begin on the site, which is free of buildings.

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