Changes to the EU thresholds at the beginning of the year


Every two years, the thresholds for the application of EU public procurement law are adjusted by the EU Commission. As the German Public Procurement Ordinance refers directly to the respective changes at EU level, the Europe-wide thresholds also apply automatically in Germany.

Accordingly, the following net value limits for public contracts have applied since 1 January 2024 following the announcement on 15 November 2023:

  • Construction contracts (all areas): € 5,538,000 (instead of € 5,382,000 previously)
  • Supply and service contracts
    • outside the sector area: 221,000 € (instead of 215,000 € previously)
    • of the supreme and higher federal authorities: 143,000 € (instead of the previous € 140,000)
    • in the Defence and Security sector: € 443,000 (instead of € 431,000 previously)
  • Concessions (all areas): € 5,538,000 (instead of € 5,382,000 previously)
  • Social and other special services
    • for public clients: 750,000 € (unchanged)
    • for sector clients: 1,000,000 € (unchanged)

These regulations apply until 31 December 2025.