Subsoil investigation and geotechnical supervision for the construction of a new logistics hall in Stade

MuP Baugrunduntersuchung Stade scaled 1

Subsoil investigation and geotechnical supervision for the construction of a new logistics hall in Stade

In August 2020, Mull und Partner Ingenieurgesellschaft was commissioned with the subsoil investigation including sampling for pollutant detection as well as the implementation of dynamic probing and seepage tests within the scope of the construction project for the new construction of a logistics hall in an industrial estate in Stade.

The previous development on the site had already been demolished at the time of commissioning, but the traffic areas were still in place.

The investigations served to develop a foundation recommendation for the planned building and to assess the rainwater infiltration possibilities on the site.

In September 2020, 32 small pile driving boreholes and heavy pile driving soundings were carried out to a maximum depth of 12 m. Soil and groundwater samples were taken from the small ram borings to determine the contaminant load on the property and two infiltration tests were conducted on the property.

The subsoil expertise was handed over in October 2020 and construction work started in February 2021. In the course of the construction work, M&P carries out compaction checks for the acceptance of foundation bases and traffic areas. Furthermore, samples of excavated materials will be taken for waste declaration. Completion of the logistics hall is planned for the second half of the year.

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