Making industrial brownfield sites ready for construction: planning and support by M&P

MP Koeln Baureifmachung industrieller Brachflaechen scaled 1

In Gummersbach in the Oberberg region, M&P Köln is planning and supporting the development of an industrial brownfield site. The site was occupied by a cooling pond of a nearby factory that was more than 100 years old and a production hall. A residential conversion is planned with the construction of a retirement home and terraced houses.

In addition to an orienting investigation of contaminated sites, M&P Cologne carried out a preliminary geotechnical investigation. This was followed by detailed investigations (according to BBodSchG) and planning-specific subsoil investigations. The necessary earthworks were presented in a remediation plan. Furthermore, M&P Köln prepared tender documents for the award of the construction works, moderated the coordination with specialised authorities and planners on behalf of the client and accompanied the construction works on site. State-of-the-art technology such as drones was used for exact area and mass determination.

Thanks to this holistic approach, M&P Köln is thus supporting the revitalisation of an industrial brownfield site into a centrally located residential area with high-quality new development. True to the motto: Engineering for a better tomorrow!

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