Welcome to the team ... Benjamin Bauer!

MuP Heidelberg Benjamin Bauer Geograph scaled 1

Welcome to the team ... Benjamin Bauer!

Benjamin comes from the Palatinate, studied geography at the University of Heidelberg and, after graduating, worked as a project manager #Geotechnik for one of Germany's largest specialists in contaminated site investigation, geotechnics, water monitoring and explosive ordnance detection. There he worked nationwide with major clients from the transport and chemical industries and managed cross-national projects in Switzerland and Denmark, among other countries.

Since mid-January, Benjamin Bauer has been supporting the team at MuP Umwelttechnik GmbH in Heidelberg as a new project manager with his many years of experience in the field of geotechnical and water and soil gas investigations.

To the M&P careers page:

#mullandpartner #engineeringforabettertomorrow #engineering #geography 1TP5Employees #heidelberg 1TP5Environmental engineering

Business areas

Environmental and geotechnical engineering
Construction and project management
Renewable energies
Real estate development
Water management


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