Subsidy project: Soil remediation on the site of a former dry cleaner in Lüneburg successfully completed

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Subsidy project: Soil remediation on the site of a former dry cleaner in Lüneburg successfully completed

Mull & Partner Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH has been successfully advising land developers for several years on the acquisition of state subsidies for the revitalisation of former industrially used land and properties. Land revitalisation now plays a key role in counteracting land consumption and promoting sustainable urban development.

For example, funds from the state of Lower Saxony and the EU were successfully obtained for the redevelopment of the site of a former laundry in Lüneburg, which had lain fallow for several years. The provision of the funding made it possible to develop the site from a wasteland into a property with multi-storey residential buildings (approx. 60 flats) and thus create urgently needed living space.

Various investigations had revealed that the subsoil on the property was contaminated with CHC. The entire contaminated fill horizon had to be removed as a legal prerequisite for the future use of the site for residential purposes. To prepare the site, the existing buildings such as office buildings, laundry, garages, etc. were demolished in a first step.

In compliance with elaborate work and neighbourhood protection measures, approx. 6,000 m³ of contaminated material was excavated and disposed of professionally. The excavation of the backfill horizon lasted approx. 4 weeks and was accompanied by an expert from M&P during the entire phase. Within this framework, the sampling and declaration analysis of the excavated material as well as the allocation to recycling and disposal classes took place.

Following the renovation measure, earthworks for underground garages and foundations were started directly.

The subsidised redevelopment measure turned a brownfield site in an inner-city location, which had soil contamination due to its previous use, into a fully redeveloped clean property where healthy living conditions are guaranteed and where even the particularly strict requirements for children's play areas are met.

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