Site investigation Darmstadt Ludwigshöhviertel, educational campus

Image 2 Ludwigshöhviertel -min

Darmstadt is getting a new neighbourhood. The Ludwigshöhviertel is being built on the approximately 15-hectare site of the former military Cambrai-Fritsch barracks. 1,400 new flats are to be built on the topographically challenging site. Karl-Plagge-Platz is being created in the centre of the new district - framed by four existing buildings that are being converted for civilian use.

Darmstädter Stadtentwicklungs GmbH & Co. KG is planning the construction of an educational campus in the Ludwigshöhviertel, consisting of a day care centre, a school building and an outdoor area that will serve as a play area.

In the course of the planning and tendering process, soil explorations are required to assess the subsoil conditions and the declaration of any excavated materials under waste legislation. The precipitation water should seep away close to the surface in the recreational areas of the day-care centre and the school.

MuP Umwelttechnik GmbH was commissioned by Darmstädter Stadtentwicklungs GmbH & Co. KG with the preparation of a geotechnical and waste analysis report. The investigation report deals with issues such as foundation options for the buildings, as well as options for infiltrating rainwater and a waste assessment of the excavated material.

MuP Umwelttechnik GmbH is working together with the planning engineering offices on the further planning of the buildings and is thus helping to shape the new district in Darmstadt.