Rastatt: Demolition of brewery buildings and deep cellars for conversion and new development

WHAT-WE-DO: In the city centre of Rastatt (Baden-Württemberg), MuP Umwelttechnik GmbH is planning the demolition of brewery buildings including the large and massive underlying brewery cellars with a depth of up to eight metres. The subsequent excavation and the construction and securing of two excavation pits for a new development with apartment buildings are also part of the planning. An important objective here is, among other things, that the resulting materials from the demolition of the above-ground and underground structures as well as the excavation for the two basement levels of the planned new building should be optimally utilised for the necessary partial backfilling of the demolished deep cellars. In this way, disposal is limited to the necessary minimum. For this purpose, MuP Umwelttechnik GmbH carried out an investigation of the building fabric and a subsoil investigation in advance of the demolition planning.

Challenges in the planning work are the securing of the construction pits in the immediate vicinity of neighbouring buildings, roads and footpaths, as well as the location of the construction site directly next to the river Murg with its strongly fluctuating water level heights. About one third of the construction site is former floodplain of the Murg and was cut off from the river, filled in and built on over 160 years ago. At that time, the extensive brewery cellars with a depth of up to eight metres were constructed with partly massive walls and vaults made of natural stones and bricks, and the brewery buildings were built on top of them. For further processing, in particular for a mass balance of the demolition excavation partial backfill, a 3-D model was created for the planning intersection of the existing cellars with the planned, partly two-storey underground car parks of the new building. The basis for this was provided by the survey data of the existing cellars.

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