Desludging of the "Anecamp" rainwater retention basin in Hanover

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Desludging of the "Anecamp" rainwater retention basin in Hanover

The City of Hannover intends to de-sludge a total of three rainwater retention basins (RRB) in the city area in the winter half-year 2020/2021.

In general, the de-silting is intended to increase the usable volume of the basins again and to sustainably improve the water quality. All three desludging measures are accompanied by M&P Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH in terms of expert opinion and nature conservation.

In contrast to the previous desludging measures we accompanied, the sediment from the "Anecamp" rainwater retention basin (5,300 m²) is to be passively drained in so-called "GeoTubes" without mechanical impact. In the first two weeks of November, the basin was already completely desludged. Approx. 1,500 m³ of sludge were pumped out of the basin by means of a buoyant suction vehicle, treated in a flocculation dosing station and then pumped into two "GeoTubes", where the material will now continue to dewater until at least the end of January 2021. The specific permeability of the geotextile tubes ensures that only the water can escape due to gravimetry. After dewatering, the material must have a dry matter content of at least 40 % or be stab-resistant so that it is suitable for transport and acceptance.

An assessor from M&P will now continuously monitor the TS content of the sediment in the hoses until the end of January, so that it can be transported away to the appropriate recycling or disposal facilities when it reaches the 40% mark according to in situ sampling (mainly LAGA Z2 due to PAH and sulphate).


Mull and Partner Engineering Company Ltd.


Hanover, Germany


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