Detective work for a better tomorrow: Historical research as the basis for today's planning

Post FG2.3 Archivrecherche 220505 scaled 1

Historical sources form an important basis for the reconstruction of historical land uses and explosive ordnance contamination. Through historical research, possible contamination or structural relics can be identified in advance and taken into account in the time and financial planning. In this way, construction delays and unpleasant surprises - for example due to unexpected explosive ordnance discoveries - can be reduced.

Most historical documents, plans and maps are stored worldwide in archives of various origins. Quite often - especially when it comes to reconstructing war events - the most important documents are found in the large national archives in Germany, the USA, Great Britain and Russia. Here it is necessary - in the abundance of documents - to track down and evaluate the relevant, property-related archival records in often detective-like detail work.

With almost 30 years of experience in the field of national and international archival research, Mull und Partner Ingenieurgesellschaft today not only has almost unique expertise in the most important source inventories, but can also draw on a comprehensive, in-house archive with over 200,000 data records on historical site use. Thanks to the constantly progressing recording and digitisation of the most important national and international source inventories, it is now often possible to clarify many questions efficiently and quickly without the need for time-consuming and cost-intensive "on-site research" - for example on potential explosive ordnance contamination due to wartime events.

If important questions remain unanswered after our "desk research", we conduct further research on a local, national and global level or locate contemporary witnesses and other knowledge carriers to uncover the secrets of the past. The results of our research flow into basic investigations, historical-genetic reconstructions (HgR) and historical explorations, among other things, and thus provide important information for the planning of future building projects.

#Archive research #Historical exploration 1TP5Waste deposits #Engineeringforabettertomorrow #M&P-Group #combatants 1TP5Armament waste deposits

Image source/originator: Trond Kuster