Germany's explosive ordnance disposal experts in daily combat

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Explosive ordnance clearance

Germany's explosive ordnance disposal experts in daily combat

In the depths of the soils of northern Germany, even 75 years after the end of the Second World War, numerous war materials can still be found. The remnants of war include bombs, shells and grenades . Every day, the Explosive Ordnance Disposal Service in Lower Saxony is in action against the dangerous contaminated sites. The specialists of the Explosive Ordnance Disposal Service track down the explosive ordnance, defuse it and finally dispose of it properly. However, in some threatening cases, blasting must be carried out on site.

"Die Nordreportage - The Explosive Ordnance Disposal Team"is a very interesting contribution from NDR about explosive ordnance disposal that is well worth seeing. M&P colleague Lutz Opper can also be seen there!