Develop and support infrastructure
M&P Digital advises and supports in the digital planning and realisation of engineering projects.
We offer suitable project management software, a data room and advice on setting up and successfully implementing digital projects.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us:
The M&P Group operates the development of pre-used real estate for residential and commercial purposes and also sees this as a social task to sustainably reduce the consumption of land on "greenfield sites". The interdisciplinary cooperation of urban planners, architects, environmental experts and infrastructure engineers of the M&P Group enables solutions that only in this way allow for an economically successful location development by exploiting all optimisation potentials.
Your contact
Departmental Coordinator
Location development
Tobias Lachenauer
The M&P Group stands for sustainable planning solutions for the development of efficient infrastructure of cities and communities. Everything that connects people is covered by targeted infrastructure management.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us:
In connection with climate change, we must also address the question of what the mobility of the future will look like.
The experts of the M&P Group deal with this central question as well as corresponding solutions for sustainable transport planning and concepts.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us:
Improving living conditions in urban environments through digitalisation is the sustainable goal of the M&P Group in the field of Smart City. The holistic analysis approach includes infrastructure, digital solutions, transport solutions, urban climate, urban planning and social interdependencies.