Making clever use of the heatwave

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With the current temperatures, you can feel how much energy is in the sun. Unfortunately, a large part of it remains unused, although it could make an important contribution to climate protection. In addition to electricity generation by photovoltaic systems, the heat can also be used directly via solar thermal energy - in summer for heating drinking water, in winter also for heating support. The problem here lies in the seasonal shift between supply and demand. As the days get shorter, the supply of solar heat also decreases, although it is needed most.

This is where geothermal energy comes into play as a key technology and offers a wide range of possibilities. The ground is not only a reliable energy supplier in winter, but can additionally store the surplus solar energy in summer. The underground storage is thermally charged in summer, for example, via a geothermal probe field. This heat can be extracted again in winter for heating purposes. The losses are very low, depending on the site geology. As a side effect, high flow temperatures result even on frosty days, leading to high heat pump efficiency.

Hardly any other technology is capable of storing solar energy for an entire season with so little effort. As a specialist planner, we would also be happy to advise you on your options.


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