Earth Overshoot Day

Since yesterday, we have been consuming more natural resources than can grow back on Earth in a year. We currently need 1.7 Earths to cover our current resource consumption.

This date is calculated by the international sustainability organisation Global Footprint Network. The total biocapacity of the earth is calculated and compared to the resource consumption. If the consumption is greater than the available resources, this is called "overshoot".

At M&P Climate, we support companies in their transformation to a sustainable enterprise and advocate resource-conserving business practices. With carbon footprints and circular economy concepts, we help to measure and reduce resource consumption in order to reduce environmental impacts.

At the same time, we offer solutions that protect the biosphere and promote biodiversity, e.g. through our #Biodiversity concepts. 🌱❤️ We can all make a contribution to preserve our planet. Let's fight together for a sustainable future! 💪💚