ERDF applications submitted for three land recycling projects

IMG 1383 scaled

The name ERDF stands for European Regional Development Fund. Most of the funding goes towards measures to support innovative and smart economic change and a greener and lower-carbon Europe. Sustainable urban development is also an important area of the ERDF programme.

In Lower Saxony, the funding supports investors and local authorities in implementing projects to revitalise polluted brownfield sites. The projects serve to protect the environment by reducing land use. Environmental damage can thus be eliminated despite high remediation costs and inner-city brownfields can be returned to residential or commercial use.

We were commissioned by various project developers to process applications for three planned land recycling projects in Lower Saxony until the applications were submitted on time. In the course of processing the applications, various documents such as a detailed project description with cost estimate, an after-use concept and a value enhancement calculation have to be prepared and various statements from the authorities involved have to be obtained.

The land recycling projects for which funding was requested are located in the Hanover, Osnabrück and Harburg districts. The total project volume for the three projects is about € 30 million. The requested grant amounts to 50%, i.e. approx. 15 million €.

In addition to the remediation of contaminated brownfield sites, the funded measures include other necessary steps to enable the planned site development. These include investigation, planning and monitoring services as well as building demolition and, if necessary, explosive ordnance clearance measures.

The proportion of green infrastructure is an important criterion for grant approval. It was explained in each case that the after-use concept takes into account a significant proportion of green space with near-natural and typical vegetation. An inventory of existing biotopes and species was carried out, which are largely taken into account in the planning of the after-use concept.

Overall, the implementation of the European ERDF programme serves sustainable urban development and supports the reduction of land consumption in Lower Saxony. Through the projects applied for, our clients, with our support, are working towards an environmentally sound and sustainable perspective in the development of our inner cities.


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