Reimbursement of COVID 19 pandemic-related additional costs

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Reimbursement of COVID 19 pandemic-related additional costs

In a decree dated 17 June 2020, the Federal Ministry of the Interior, for Building and the Home Affairs (BMI) and the Federal Ministry of Transport (BMVI) have decreed that contractors for construction contracts are entitled to reimbursement of pandemic-related costs for additional hygiene and health protection measures. Form 217 was published at the same time as the decree.

Here, the reimbursement of additional costs according to form 217 on proof primarily refers to 

Immediate personal hygiene measures:

  • Provision of additional sanitary facilities incl. consumption costs (electricity, water)
  • Local disinfection devices
  • Hygiene-related personal protective equipment (masks, gloves, etc.)
  • Hygienic agent

Hygiene support measures:

  • Notices and warning signs
  • Adapting the social areas (e.g. additional living containers on the construction site)
  • Additional expenses (renting) of vehicles for the daily transport of persons to the construction site as well as the additional costs for the journeys

To prove the additional costs incurred, preferably the invoices for the measures undertaken, which may also have been required from subcontractors, should be submitted. In case of doubt, a self-declaration by the contractor is sufficient to explain the connection between additional costs and the COVID 19 pandemic and the relation of the additional costs incurred to the specific construction site.

Only such costs will be reimbursed that are within the usual market limits. With regard to the necessity of hygiene measures, in case of doubt, information from the Berufsgenossenschaft der Bauwirtschaft (BG BAU) and/or RKI shall be used.

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