Outechnics for an excellent & solid base

According to DIN E 1997-1, a subsoil investigation must be carried out for every building as the basis for structural planning, and the geotechnical report must be prepared according to DIN 4020. The soil-mechanical properties of the subsoil determined in this way form the basis for, e.g., the verification of foundation stability, the forecast of settlements, the planning of building waterproofing, the possibility of rainwater infiltration, the durability of traffic routes, or the requirement of excavation securing. Our geotechnical engineering department examines the subsoil according to engineering geological aspects and the requirements of DIN EN 1997-2 and advises, plans, and optimises the design of the geotechnical trades according to constructional, environmental, and economic aspects.

  • Creation of exploration and investigation concepts
  • Subsoil investigation and evaluation
  • Field exploration by means of small pile driving, light and heavy pile driving, pressure soundings, in-situ tests, etc.
  • by means of small pile-driving boreholes, light and heavy dynamic probing, pressure probing, in-situ tests, etc.
  • Soil mechanics field and laboratory tests
  • Seepage tests (open-end tests, double-ring infiltrometer, etc.)
  • Planning and evaluation of pumping tests, including technical and metrological support
  • Compaction and bearing capacity tests in earthworks and road construction (static and dynamic plate load tests)
  • Soil expertise/subsoil expertise/geotechnical reports and statements

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us:


For every new building, a subsoil investigation must be carried out as the basis for structural planning, and a geotechnical report prepared in accordance with DIN 4020. Often, the site geology results in constraints for foundation planning, which—in inner-city situations—have to be dovetailed and optimised with the concerns of deconstruction and environmental concerns.

By carrying out the ground investigation and foundation/ excavation planning in the course of demolition and / or remediation planning, duplication of effort can be avoided and critical paths in the construction process and construction time can be clarified at an early stage.

Our geotechnical engineering department examines the subsoil according to engineering geological aspects and advises and optimises the foundation and the necessary auxiliary structures of special civil engineering, such as shoring walls, underpinning, sealing, and water retention.

  • Design and planning of earthworks and special civil engineering measures
  • Excavation and foundation planning
  • Earth static calculations according to DIN EN 1997-1
  • Settlement predictions, optimisation of subgrade reaction coefficients
  • Water law permit applications
  • Tendering of earthworks and special civil engineering measures
  • Cost estimate
  • Expert opinions on neighbourhood permission agreements

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us:


New Project 67

The staff of the Landfill Department and the specialist colleagues from the other departments involved plan, assess, and monitor your landfill projects or related projects in the context of contaminated sites. Thanks to the expertise of our staff in the field of "landfill," which has grown over decades, and the associated technical issues—from the search for a site, through all technical aspects, over the lifetime of a landfill, to the photovoltaics or other subsequent uses of a landfill—we guarantee you professional and economically optimised work. We would be happy to advise you.

  • Professional planning and documentation in all HOAI service phases
  • Application and coordination with involved experts and official communication
  • Local construction supervision and site management
  • Internal and external monitoring of landfill construction work
  • Health and safety coordination
  • Expert opinion, advice


  • Assessment of existing geological barriers
  • Base seals
  • Multifunctional sealing ("landfill on landfill", so-called intermediate sealing)
  • Surface sealing (also in the context of contaminated sites)
  • Optimised use of landfill substitute construction materials
  • Quality management

Landfill behaviour, leachate, landfill gas:

  • Optimisation of landfill volume, geotechnical assessment with regard to load increase
  • Geotechnical stability verifications
  • Renovation of drainage facilities, coordination, cleaning and TV inspection
  • Planning and assessment of leachate collection and treatment incl. leachate prognosis
  • Planning and assessment of landfill gas collection and treatment, calculation of gas prognosis, landfill aeration or oversuction, FID measurement

Re-use / integration in the surroundings:

  • Planning of PV installations or other consequential uses
  • 3-D modelling with landscape image analysis

Other topics:

  • Site search
  • Follow-up cost calculations
  • Economic feasibility studies
  • Accompanying landscape conservation planning (SaP, special species protection assessment)
  • Annual reports

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us:


New Project 67

We offer our services regarding testing, monitoring, expert opinions, and technical support in the fields of geotechnics, soil mechanics, soil, geology, hydrogeology, and geosynthetics for all projects requiring the relevant knowledge, experience, and expertise. Especially in the landfill sector, but also in road construction, subsoil investigations, or soil and building material testing of all kinds.
Our specialists and experts will be happy to help you with your enquiries or projects.

  • Accredited third-party testing in landfill construction for mineral building materials and geosynthetics, as well as asphalt
  • Self-testing in landfill construction
  • Quality assurance in earthworks
  • Soil physics laboratory tests
  • Carrying out waste and environmental chemical investigations
  • Geotechnical investigations/ground investigation in landfill construction
  • Geological and hydrogeological investigations
  • Carrying out FID inspections further environmental investigations at landfills

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us:


It was not only hard coal that was mined in Germany for several hundred years. Other raw materials such as ore and salt have also been mined in Germany for a long time. At many mining sites, we have now entered the post-mining era.
In today's densely populated mining regions, legacies from former mining times pose serious civil risks and subsoil risks. These include, in particular, inadequately secured former mining zones, openings that have not been preserved in accordance with the current state of the art, such as shafts or tunnel mouth holes, and abandoned open-cast mines.

Due to increasingly dense settlement and post-daily land use, additional issues arise, such as the stability of mine workings, open pits, or shafts, as well as the regulation of mine water or outgassing situations, for which sustainable, economic, and ecological technical solutions must be found.

These must not only be taken into account in the planning and development of new construction projects but can also pose a considerable risk potential for existing structures, open spaces, and traffic routes.

Not only the direct effects of mining activities mentioned above but also the peripheral phenomena such as dumps, waste rock piles, sludge ponds, clarification, and sedimentation basins are now part of the mining legacy that must be considered in a sustainable subsequent use of the land.

We are accredited by the mining authority of North Rhine-Westphalia as publicly appointed and sworn experts for old mining (Dr.-Ing. Scherbeck, Dipl-Geol. Stempelmann).

We offer expert support, planning services, and advice on the following typical topics:

Near-day mining:

  • Mine image inspection and subsequent mining geotechnical site analyses of the hazard situation.
  • Exploration in the area of influence of near-surface mining (deposits and mining cavities), including the conception of the exploration, tendering, or implementation of the exploration work, construction supervision, expert monitoring, and documentation of measures.
  • Remediation planning, including tendering of the commercial securing services, technical supervision, and documentation.

Old shafts and gallery mouth holes (day openings):

  • Assessment of the stability of shafts and gallery mouths as well as conceptual design and planning of structural measures for securing and safekeeping.
  • Tendering of the securing and custodial works.
  • Expert monitoring and construction supervision of mining, civil engineering, or drilling rehabilitation measures, documentation of measures.

Opencast mines and residual mining holes:

  • Engineering geological survey, evaluation, and planning for securing rock and loose rock slopes.
  • Preparation of geotechnical and mining concepts for the backfilling of residual opencast mining holes, including engineering geological and rock mechanical calculations.
  • Advice on the preparation of final operating plans.
  • Tender for the safeguarding work.
  • Expert monitoring and construction supervision of remediation and protection measures, documentation of measures.

Mining damage:

  • Recording of mining-related damage to buildings, land, and other structures.
  • Carrying out the preservation of evidence.
  • Mining geotechnical site analyses.

Mine gas:

  • Expert evaluation of the existing outgassing situation.
  • Planning of outgassing protection.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us:
