M&P advises on sustainable energy supply with geothermal energy

MuP Geothermal energy supply scaled 1

M&P advises on sustainable energy supply with geothermal energy

Geothermal energy is one of many renewable energies that are considered to be a viable alternative to conventional fossil fuels. This alternative energy source can be divided into near-surface and deep geothermal energy. Mull und Partner has specialised in near-surface geothermal energy. For example, Mull und Partner was involved in the implementation of several geothermal probe fields of a geothermal project in Cologne. The path to the implementation of a geothermal plant is by no means trivial and requires, as a first step, thorough research, including relevant site factors. However, in addition to the geothermal probes already mentioned, the variant of a geothermal well system is also frequently used, as are geothermal collectors if space is available.

If a client decides to have the possibilities of geothermal energy examined for his purposes, the first step is to carry out a feasibility study, as was recently done at a development site for the construction of a new office building in Berlin Mitte with a heating energy demand of > 550 MWh and a cooling energy demand of > 200 MWh. Mull und Partner was commissioned to conduct literature research, evaluate freely available data and compile it in a coherent manner. In consultation with all parties involved in the project as well as the responsible authorities, an initial assessment will be made on the basis of this data as to how a geothermal plant can be realised at the site. It should not go unmentioned here that heating with renewable energies is supported by several funding measures adopted by the federal government (BEG).

The result of such a feasibility study is a document that can serve the client as a basis for deciding to what extent a geothermal plant, in whatever form, can have an ecological and economic impact on the project. As Mull und Partner, we naturally continue to support our clients with advice and planning activities after the feasibility study has been submitted.

The change from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources and a sustainable energy supply is in all our hands. It begins with the building owner's efforts to integrate such an energy concept, and we are proud to be able to pave the way with our services as Mull and Partner.

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