Heating and cooling supply of a VW car dealership with geothermal energy in Hanover

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The aspect of a sustainable energy supply is not only playing an increasingly important role in the housing market. Sustainable solutions are also urgently needed for new construction projects in the commercial sector, as buildings often also need to be cooled.

In Hanover, the entire heating and cooling supply for a new VW car dealership is to be covered by geothermal energy. For this purpose, a geothermal probe field was planned for the future car park areas, which is currently still being implemented.

The geothermal probe field, consisting of 24 probes, has a total of 3,360 metres of drilling and probes, each with a probe depth of 140 metres. In winter, heat is extracted from the ground for heating purposes, thus lowering the temperature underground. In the summer months, on the other hand, the temperature in the ground is raised again via active building cooling using a reversible brine heat pump. The surplus PV electricity in summer is effectively utilised for this purpose. This means that sufficient heating energy is available for the coming heating period. The ground is thus utilised as a thermal, seasonal storage facility.

The temperature changes in the subsurface are continuously recorded using an equally deep temperature measuring point. This ensures that the official requirements are met. In addition to the legal authorisation aspect, the focus is of course also on flawless technical operation. Here, for example, close co-operation is maintained with the TGA planner involved in the project.

Together with the project participants, M&P ENERGY was able to bring this car dealership an important step closer to the German 2030 climate targets in terms of energy supply.