Renewable energies, NEWS

Keeping heating costs under control with renewable energies

NEWS: With the headline "Heating costs are rising", scary news for many real estate users has been going through the media these days. The articles reported average cost increases of 44 % for oil heating and 13 % for gas heating for the year 2021.

The heating cost index is regularly compiled by the German Tenants' Association (DMB), co2online and the Association of Municipal Companies (VKU). According to the report, it is becoming increasingly difficult to forecast the costs of heating oil and gas, and the newly introduced CO2-price added.

This price spiral can be significantly counteracted through the use of renewable energies, for example with heat pumps from environmental heat. Geothermal heating systems, together with an energetic refurbishment of the building, offer the possibility to reduce these increased burdens. With a geothermal heating system, 75 - 85 % of the necessary heat is obtained from the ground and groundwater. This provides the heat almost free of charge and without any CO2-taxation.

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