Qualified disposal in road construction (4): Sampling after removal - debris sampling

4 Pile

Qualified disposal in road construction (4):

Sampling after removal - Pile sampling

Sampling after removal must be carried out in accordance with LAGA Notice 32 (PN 98) "Guideline for the procedure for physical, chemical and biological investigations in connection with the recovery/disposal of waste" (2019). According to Annex 4 of the Landfill Ordinance, the application of this guideline is also prescribed for the examination of waste to be disposed of in landfills. The stipulations refer to sampling from freely stored heaps, heaps, fills, containers, transport vehicles or waste streams.

The minimum number of incremental samples depends on the waste volume, the heterogeneity of the waste composition and the material homogeneity of the waste. In the case of a homogeneous waste composition, incremental samples can be combined into composite samples. Depending on the volume of the waste to be analysed, at least two composite samples must be available. A composite sample basically consists of four individual samples. In order to characterise a waste volume of up to 30 m³, eight samples must be taken accordingly (see Table 1).

During sampling, conspicuous partial batches must be separated and sampled separately. Segregation effects must be taken into account during sampling.

The minimum volume of each individual sample is based on the largest component according to LAGA Notice 32 (PN 98) (see Table 2). This guideline can be applied up to a maximum largest component of 120 mm. It also specifies the number of laboratory samples, which corresponds as far as possible to the number of composite samples.

Tab. 1: Examples for the volume-related minimum number of individual and composite samples (LAGA Notice 32 (PN 98) 2019)

Volume Number of incremental samples Number of composite samples
up to 30 m3 8 2
up to 60 m3 12 3
up to 100 m3 16 4
up to 150 m3 20 5
up to 200 m3 24 6
up to 300 m3 28 7
... ... ...
up to 600 m3 40 10

Tab. 2: Minimum volumes of individual samples and laboratory samples depending on grain size (LAGA Notice 32 (PN 98) 2019)

Maximum grain size Minimum volume of the incremental sample Minimum volume of the laboratory sample
< 2 mm  0,5 l 1 l
> 2 mm to < 20 mm 1 l 2 l
> 20 mm to < 50 mm  2 l 4 l
> 50 mm to < 120 mm 5 l 10 l
> 120 Piece = single sample Piece = single sample

The samples not examined in the laboratory should be set aside until the examination is completed in such a way that the examined parameters remain unchanged. If areas with deviating properties appear in the basic set, each subset should be characterised separately.

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