Legally compliant handling of small quantities of mineral waste

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Legally compliant handling of small quantities of mineral waste

During pipeline construction and work on the supply and disposal networks, excavated material accumulates that usually cannot be fully reinstalled. The companies commissioned are finding it increasingly difficult to find suitable disposal options for the surplus excavated material. Often, only a few cubic metres of mineral waste are involved at a single site, so that sampling and testing to clarify the recycling options are disproportionately time-consuming and expensive. In the case of unplannable construction measures (e.g. fault clearance), preliminary investigation is not possible. Dealing with these small quantities requires a coordinated approach. The Federal/State Working Group on Waste (LAGA) has developed an appropriate and legally compliant procedure for dealing with small quantities of mineral waste.

Excavated material a waste type originating from different sites may in principle be brought together on a suitable site. The Federal/State Working Group on Waste (LAGA) opens up the possibility of transporting small quantities of mineral waste of one waste type weighing up to 20 t each (volume of up to 15 m³ each) from a construction site without preliminary investigation and combining them into one heap [LAGA- Handlungshilfe zur Anwendung der LAGA Mitteilung 32 (LAGA PN 98)]. The consolidation serves in particular the efficiency and economy of sampling and disposal, as well as the improvement of recycling options.

The heap should not exceed a volume of 200 m³. Smaller piles can also be formed for joint sampling and disposal.

A prerequisite for the merger is that

  • According to the organoleptic and plausibility check, they are not hazardous waste is involved,
  • inadmissible mixing for dilution of pollutant contents is excluded, and
  • Waste of different loads is kept separate from each other.

Each heap is to be sampled in accordance with the volume-dependent number of samples pursuant to LAGA Notice 32 (LAGA PN 98) (see p. 10). Small quantities suspected of increased pollutant loads (e.g. due to foreign components) must be stored, examined and evaluated separately. The prohibition of mixing in accordance with § 9 Para. 2 Sentence 2 KrWG precludes a combination with other wastes in a heap.

Other types of waste are to be dismantled separately, as far as technically possible and economically appropriate, in order to obtain largely unmixed dismantling materials. A distinction is essentially to be made between:

  • Removal asphalt or tar/pitch-containing road debris as well as
  • Hydraulically bound road rubble, natural stones, concrete stones (paving, kerbstones, foundations).

The separately removed waste must also be kept separate during interim storage so that it can be fed into an adapted disposal route.

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