Climate protection


Climate protection

The climate crisis is becoming increasingly visible and urgent. Most large companies have now published climate protection strategies and targets, but small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in particular are struggling with corporate climate protection. Over 60% of SMEs simply lack the skills and knowledge to make the necessary reductions (according to the SME Climate Hub - a climate protection initiative launched in 2021, whose initiators include the United Nations and Oxford University).

On the other hand, SMEs offer immense potential for urgently needed reductions. Legislators have also recognised this. Regulations such as mandatory climate reporting under the EU CSRD or clear requirements for sustainable investments through the EU taxonomy have an impact on large companies and indirectly also on SMEs. In the coming years, however, incentives will also be created directly for SMEs. NGOs such as the WWF, the New Climate Institute or even the Wettbewerbszentrale are also ensuring increasing transparency about corporate climate ambitions.

SMEs in particular therefore need reliable partners with in-depth climate protection and sustainability expertise. Our Climate Division takes on precisely this task. The department includes, among others, M&P Go.Blue.Now. GmbH - a highly specialised sustainability and climate protection consultancy from Munich.

The Go.Blue.Now. Vision: Living in harmony with nature, in a climate-friendly world and on a healthy planet. Credible and effective measures for companies are the focus of our consulting. We not only look at the climate, but also support you holistically in the sustainable design of your company.

Our services in the field of climate protection:

We develop science-based climate protection strategies and guarantee holistic climate protection as part of your sustainability commitment. Our climate protection cycle enables a structured approach and effective reduction of CO2 emissions. Our services can also be purchased separately, e.g. if the company has previous experience in climate protection.


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Your added value:

CO2 footprints according to the best international standards (Greenhouse Gas Protocol or ISO standards)

Fact-based goals & tangible action plans

Credible certificates that follow best practices in corporate climate communication and successfully avoid greenwashing

You can also claim government subsidies for most of our services. Up to 80% of your costs can be covered in this way. We also support you with the applications to enable your company to make the maximum contribution to climate protection without high costs.

In addition to the focus on climate protection, Go.Blue.Now. offers holistic consulting services in the field of sustainability, e.g. ESG scores, ESG reports and action plans.

Our clients are mainly German, medium-sized companies. Many of our clients act out of conviction for climate protection and complete the entire climate protection cycle. Some examples of industries we have experience with are IT & hardware, chemicals, textile industry, environmental technology or engineering service providers.

For example, we were able to accompany Prime Computer AG - an IT hardware manufacturer from Switzerland - from the creation of the first Footprint with Scope 1 and 2 emissions to the calculation of all significant CO2 emissions from the upstream and downstream supply chain of their production.

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Contact us:

Your contact person:

Department Coordinator: Jörg Tuchen


NEWS: On 24.06.2021, the Bundestag passed the bill to amend the Federal Climate Protection Act. The Bundesrat approved the amendments in its plenary session on 25.06.2021. The law describes a binding path to climate neutrality by 2045 instead of 2050, setting binding targets for achieving this goal.

The amendment of the Climate Protection Act of 2019 had been imposed on the federal government by the decision of the Federal Constitutional Court at the end of April in order not to burden future generations with the increasing climate protection efforts.

The greatest savings must be achieved in the energy sector and industry, as these are the sectors with the lowest abatement costs and the highest emissions. It follows that renewable energy supply is the key to emission reductions in all sectors where renewable electricity can replace fossil fuels. In the other sectors with transport, buildings, agriculture and waste management, CO2 reductions are made in order to achieve the climate targets.

A new target for the conservation and expansion of so-called natural sinks such as forests and peatlands was also included in the law. Since the development of sinks requires a long lead time, the federal government is now beginning to intensify the waterlogging of peatlands and the necessary conversion and development of forests.

Through the new German climate target for 2030, the EU climate target for 2030 is also taken into account. Compliance with the permissible annual emission levels of the individual sectors will be regularly reviewed and set in 2024 for the years 2031 - 2034 and in 2034 for the years 2041 - 2045. Furthermore, it was regulated that from 2024 and then every two years, the climate protection report will also include the status and development of CO2 -pricing in the EU and compatibility with national CO2 -The climate protection law stipulates greenhouse gas neutrality in 2045. In 2045, the Climate Change Act stipulates greenhouse gas neutrality, after 2050 negative emissions (we take net greenhouse gases from the atmosphere).

The MuP Group is helping to achieve compliance with climate targets as part of "Engineering for a Better Tomorrow".

Through M&P GO.BLUE.NOW the limitation of global warming to 1.5° is being pursued together with customers and partners.

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