Climate protection concept development with participation workshop - Salzlandkreis

On 20 June 2023, the Salzlandkreis held a participation workshop for the development of the climate protection concept in Bernburg at the district administration office. In the first part of the workshop, we presented the results of the analyses as the office commissioned for the greenhouse gas balancing, the scenario and potential analysis and the process support.

Due to the local, very energy-intensive industry (including cement and chemicals) and a comparatively low population density, the Salzlandkreis currently has significantly higher per capita emissions than the national average. The theoretical potentials we have analysed provide initial indications for the district and the municipalities on how to increase the share of renewable energies for electricity and heat generation. In terms of the number of wind turbines for electricity generation, the district already ranks second in Saxony-Anhalt.

In the second part of the workshop seecon Together with the actors in smaller groups, the three topics of renewable energies, mobility transition and local actors and cooperation were intensively collected and discussed. The consensus of all three groups was that the continuous exchange of knowledge, networking and cooperation are the basis for successful climate protection work in the district.

The district now wants to examine the ideas and further develop suitable measures. The continuation of an exchange format for local actors will certainly be part of this.