Feasibility study for the remediation of a contaminated site

AAB Pollhornweg

The approximately 3.8 ha large old landfill is located in the south of Hamburg in the Elbmarsch area. The contaminated site was covered a few years ago to secure it. The area currently lies fallow.

Currently, a subsequent use by a depot is being considered. For this purpose, M&P prepared a variant study for the remediation and utilisation of the old landfill. The variant study was to serve the general assessment of the redevelopment feasibility of the old deposit including an implementation concept for a later subsequent use as a depot and the preparation of a current cost framework. 

Together with the client, different remediation options were determined and evaluated by M&P. As there were major information deficits with regard to the geotechnical suitability of the existing soils and the chemical composition of the landfill material, small pile-drilling, dynamic probing and pressure probing were carried out on site in autumn 2022 and soil samples were chemically and geotechnically analysed. M&P prepared the occupational safety plan for the work, accompanied the tendering of the field and laboratory work and provided expert support for the field work.

Subsequently, the feasibility study was updated with regard to the renovation options and the cost framework in order to provide the client with a decision-making basis for further planning.