Welcome to the team ... Dr. Moritz Thom!

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Welcome to the team... Dr. Moritz Thom!

We are pleased to introduce our new colleague Dr. Moritz Thom. Dr. Thom has been working at the Hanover site for the Department of Water Management since 19.04.2021 and studied civil engineering with a specialisation in hydraulic engineering and urban water management at RWTH Aachen University from 2003 - 2010.

Studies included hydromechanics, hydrology, hydraulic engineering (works), hydraulic engineering for transport and urban water management. Specialisation: Hydrodynamic simulation, flood protection, hydrological modelling and engineering hydrology.

Dr Thom received his doctorate in 2019. The title of the dissertation is "Towards a Better Understanding of the Biostabilization Mechanisms of Sediment Beds".

Dr. Thom spent 2 semesters abroad in Norway at NTNU Trondheim and was most recently at Leibniz Universität Hannover and TU Braunschweig as a research assistant at the Forschungszentrum Küste (FZK) in the research projects

  • HYDRALAB+ (HORIZON2020: Adaptation for Climate Change)
  • SeaArt (Long term establishment of SEAgrass ecosystems through biodegradable ARTicial meadows)

active. In addition to the professional experience he has gained, Dr Thom enriches M&P Ingenieurgesellschaft with additional expertise and inspiration. We are looking forward to the cooperation.

We look forward to working together!


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