M&P at the Contaminated Sites Symposium 2023 -Employees in the speaker's circle of the Young ITVA

New Project 2023 05 30T121729.681

At this year's symposium of the Ingenieurtechnischer Verband für Altlastenmanagement und Flächenrecycling e.V. (ITVA) the experts and especially the junior staff of M&P Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH were strongly represented. Almost 25 employees from many different M&P branches came together in Wuppertal for a joint professional exchange, to make contacts and to "network".

This year's Contaminated Sites Symposium was held in the Historische Stadthalle in Wuppertal with the support of the AAV (Association for Land Recycling and Remediation). After the symposium started with a get-together on Wednesday evening, various lectures on Thursday addressed and discussed legal and enforcement issues relating to the Mantelverordnung, which will come into force in August 2023. This was followed in the afternoon by presentations on various redevelopment projects in urban areas based on practical examples. After a lot of technical input, the participants were able to enjoy Bergische specialities between the Rhineland and the Sauerland together with a cool drink or two in the evening.

Friday was followed by presentations on the topics of in-situ redevelopment and land recycling, among others. The lecture by the managing directors Thomas Hartmann and Matthias Wieschemeyer, who presented land conversion close to the city centre based on a project in Osnabrück, deserves special mention.

In addition to the technical presentations, the Young ITVA has met and elected its speaker committee. The Young ITVA comprises all ITVA members who are younger than 40. We are particularly pleased that the M&P employees Lea Dreier (Hanover branch), Martin Groten (Osnabrück branch) and Kevin Frank (Cologne branch) are represented in the 7-member speaker group. In addition, some M&P employees are represented in the various expert committees and regional groups of the ITVA.

We are looking forward to the next Contaminated Sites Symposium in 2024 and hope to meet many experts of the M&P Group again!