M&P explores former gas works in Rotenburg an der Wümme

Hist 01

In 2017, contaminated soils were detected in a residential area in the town of Rotenburg an der Wümme. It quickly became apparent that these could originate from the neighbouring site of a former gasworks 🏭. The area of the former gas works is the current premises of the Rotenburg public utility company.

M&P was commissioned by the district of Rotenburg to carry out a historical investigation of the gas works site. As a result of the historical investigation, suspected areas of possible soil contamination were identified.

In the following years, M&P carried out an orienting soil investigation ⚒ and, building on this, detailed investigations 🔬of the soil and groundwater at the gas plant site in order to limit the extent of possible soil and groundwater contamination.

After it became clear in the last stage of the investigation that the groundwater could also be contaminated🧫 outside the former site, the local residents are now to be included in the further investigations.

An information event📋 was therefore organised in cooperation with the district of Rotenburg and the town and municipal utilities of Rotenburg. On 23.05.2022, M&P presented the results of its work there and answered the participants' questions.

In the following, further investigations in the vicinity of the former gas works will now be coordinated and carried out in order to make a final risk assessment of the existing contamination in the soil and groundwater🚰 and to be able to plan any necessary remediation measures.