Mull und Partner, Cologne, plans for safe school operation


Mull und Partner - Cologne, plans for safe school operation

In the course of the necessary renovation work on the school building of the Dreikönigsgymnasium on Escher Straße, the building management of the City of Cologne was looking for a location to set up an interim school in container construction.

Due to the required proximity to the school building and the high space requirements, there were only a few areas to choose from, some of which had difficult boundary conditions.

The choice fell on a 12,000 square metre section of the Bürgerpark Nord. The subsoil of this site posed a particular challenge. The area is located on an old landfill (filled gravel pit), which produces small amounts of landfill gas due to decomposition processes in the subsoil and has unevenness caused by settlement. In order to ensure the safe operation of the school, a solution was therefore developed in close cooperation with other specialist planners to secure the area for use.

A foundation pad was constructed to level out the resulting unevenness and to create a load-bearing subsoil for the school containers. At the same time, degassing facilities and all infrastructure lines were integrated into the foundation pad. Rising soil air is extracted via gas drainage pipes in this cushion and fed via a collection pipe to a lean gas disposal system, which blows out the extracted soil air in diluted form. The entire area was sealed with asphalt and all penetration structures and supply lines were made gas-tight to prevent even the smallest amounts of gas from entering the school containers.

After completion of the foundation pad and gas protection, the installation of the school containers can begin in autumn 2020.

Mull und Partner supported the City of Cologne in the selection of the site and subsequently planned the use-related securing of the selected area and provided expert support and documentation for the construction of the foundation pad including the degassing facilities.

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