M&P Hagen takes over expert monitoring of the ad-hoc remediation of an oil spill in Wülfrath / NRW

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M&P Hagen takes over expert monitoring of the ad-hoc remediation of an oil spill in Wülfrath / NRW

M&P Hagen was commissioned by the district of Mettmann / NRW to provide expert advice for the ad-hoc remediation of an oil spill at the lime works of Lhoist Germany - Rheinkalk in Wülfrath.

On 18.06.2020, an accident with a shunting locomotive took place at the end of a stub track at the railway exit. Approximately 4,000 litres of diesel oil spilled into the track bed, the adjacent embankment area and via a roadway into the adjacent receiving watercourse (see

In addition to soil contamination, the accident also led to water contamination with hydrocarbon compounds (MKW- mineral oil hydrocarbons, BTEX (aromatic hydrocarbons: benzene, ethylbenzene, toulol, xylene). The odour of the water contamination was still perceptible downstream.

With the help of the THW (Technisches Hilfswerk), the local fire brigades and the disposal company Lobbe Ölwehr, Hagen / Iserlohn, the rehabilitation work has been taking place since 19 June 2020. For reasons of stability, the THW had to blow up the concrete bumper weighing approx. 250 t in order to prevent it from slipping onto the roadway.

Soil remediation was carried out in all contaminated areas (slope below the track or the accident site, roadway, embankment to the Angerbach stream, stream bed) as far as this was permitted by the geotechnical stability assessment. Residual diesel fuel contamination on the water surface is collected by sorbent barriers.

Narrowing down investigations, appraisals and technical assessments are currently being carried out on potential safety measures for remaining technical contamination.

Mull und Partner Hagen provides the following services for this purpose:

  • Qualified expert monitoring of ad-hoc remediation measures in the event of contamination with substances hazardous to water on the basis / foundation of the WHG
  • Soil investigations (field investigations, sampling, pollutant analysis) according to legal requirements of BBodSchV
  • Waste technical declarations
  • Chemical rapid analysis in 1 - 3 days
  • Geotechnical stability / subsoil investigations
  • Sound remediation/security planning of residual pollution areas in the vicinity of the watercourse
  • Accompanying waste disposal management

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