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Pilot course "Explosive Ordnance Disposal Specialist Planner


Pilot course "Explosive Ordnance Disposal Specialist Planner

Mull und Partner participates in the pilot course for the postgraduate additional academic training "Specialist Planner Explosive Ordnance Disposal".

Next to the meadow in Langenpreising, where several probeers are currently on the move, a white Bundeswehr bus is parked, which has previously driven 19 women and men from all over Germany from the Bundeswehr University in Munich to the district of Erding. The participants of the pilot course of the nationwide unique further training to become a "specialist planner for explosive ordnance clearance" are made up of employees from authorities, engineering offices and clearance companies. The pilot participants are already involved in the planning, commercial practice and supervision of explosive ordnance clearance measures and have a certain amount of experience in this field. The pilot course is intended to prepare the contents in such a way that subsequent course participants are effectively prepared for planning practice. To date, there are no uniform requirements for the qualification of engineers or experts in explosive ordnance disposal. Since the questions of suspected explosive ordnance will be important for an unforeseeable period of time and their solution requires effective, economic and responsible action by experts, Mull und Partner is participating in the content and structure of the course.

M&P Engineering Company Ltd.

Hans-Böckler-Allee 9

30173 Hanover

Tel.: +49 (0) 511 / 12 35 59-0