New version of DGUV regulation 112-190 "Use of respiratory protective equipment" (11/2021)

Atemschutz DGUV R 112 190 neu

The rule serves as an aid in the selection and use of respiratory protective equipment. The newly structured revision of the 2011 version contains, among other things, new terms and specifications on the service life of respiratory protective devices.

There are the following essential changes to the previous version:

  • The structure of the DGUV Regel has been fundamentally changed. As far as possible, the topics have been arranged chronologically according to the selection process for a suitable respiratory protective device. Flow charts are used to guide step by step through the selection process to a suitable device.
  • Some terms have been redefined or newly introduced in order to increase comprehensibility for users. For example, the term "wearing time" was replaced by "duration of use" (= "period of continuous use of a respirator") and the term "multiple of the limit value" was replaced by "level of protection" in the appropriate places.
  • The topic of education/training/instruction has been completely outsourced to DGUV Principle 312-190.
  • The topic of adaptation testing has been deepened and quantitative testing is recommended for the handling of certain substances (e.g. CMR substances).
  • The application limits of AX filters have been adjusted. The previous grouping is no longer applicable.
  • The section on occupational health screening and aptitude testing has been adapted to the current regulations.
  • The following changes have been made in the service life table (section 8.2):
    • Some devices have been added, e.g. half/quarter mask with P1 or P2 filter.
    • The orientation value for the duration of use of particle-filtering half masks with exhalation valve has been increased from 120 min. to 150 min. This is based on the low permissible breathing resistances compared to other devices according to the relevant standards and the change in AMR 14.2 regarding the classification of FFP3 or P3 filters.
    • The wording "uses per work shift" has been replaced by "duration of use per work shift". This is to make it clear that a total period of use during a work shift should not be exceeded and that the number of uses is not decisive.
    • The column "shifts per week" has been deleted. The restrictions affected by this are described by means of a footnote.

The preparation and revision of this DGUV Regulation and in particular of the Table of Duration of Use (Section 8.2) is not related to the Corona pandemic. A pandemic may require measures that deviate from these DGUV Rules, which need to be considered separately.

DGUV Regulation 112-190 does not contain specific rules for pandemic events.

Links to sources etc.:

Link to DGUV Regulation 112-190 (11/2021)