Office Gardening - raised bed on the M&P car park in Hanover


It's so easy to create a "green oasis" 🪴in the midst of concrete and stone: On the paved car park of our M&P branch in Hanover, two planted raised beds have recently been made available to employees. The office can now easily plant and harvest healthy herbs themselves and enjoy them, for example, as tea ☕️oder in salads 🥗.

Gardening together in a relaxed atmosphere combines the pleasant with the useful: it decelerates, those who plant and water take responsibility, the scent of herbs has a calming effect and the herbs you plant yourself always taste best👌. Herbs contain high amounts of bitter, tannic and pungent substances. These aid digestion and also have a disinfectant and anti-inflammatory effect. Herbs are also rich in vitamins and minerals.

As part of the internal sustainability initiative, colleagues from Hanover are always trying to make their contribution with small campaigns. A green office creates a better working environment, but it doesn't always have to be ornamental plants. 🌱


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