Dethlinger Teich armament waste site: M&P Managing Director Frank Biegansky informs citizens about remediation and safety measures


The remediation of one of the largest contaminated site projects in Germany, the Dethlingen pond, was the reason for an information event last Monday, where about 150 citizens gathered in the Oerrel sports hall to learn about further steps.

In addition to the district administrator, Munster's mayor Christina Fleckenstein, Friedrich-Wilhelm Otte from the responsible department of the district administration, Professor Dr. Holger Weiß from the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research in Leipzig, there was also M&P Managing Director Frank Biegansky the citizens' questions and answers.

According to the district, the intended remediation of this nationally unique armament legacy, the so-called pond opening, represents a special building block. "The opening of the pond will take place at a location where, based on the previously conducted investigations, it is highly probable that explosive ordnance or remnants of explosive ordnance are located. The knowledge gained about the type, quantity and condition subsequently forms the basis for sensible planning of the remediation. Furthermore, such a preliminary investigation (test area) is mandatory for applying for federal funds. The planning of the pond opening as a whole is done in stages, so that the next planning step can be optimised depending on the result of the previous stage" (