Pollutant investigations at the Bonhoeffer Gemeinde community centre, Heidelberg

Community centre

WHAT-WE-DO: As part of the preparation of conversion and renovation measures for the community centre of the Bonhoeffer congregation in Heidelberg, comprehensive pollutant investigations were carried out by MuP Umwelttechnik GmbH Heidelberg in the area of the day nursery and the sacred and community rooms. The aim of the investigations was to identify existing pollutant loads and, based on the results of the investigations, to plan the necessary occupational health and safety measures and - if necessary - to have polluted components removed in the course of the construction work.

Since the examinations and sampling had to be carried out while the building was in operation, the MuP staff were constantly in close contact with the responsible architects and the building users.

The sampling points were also determined in close consultation with those involved in the project and the users. A minimally invasive approach to sampling ensured trouble-free use of the building.

The samples taken were then analysed in the laboratory. Based on the applicable rules and regulations, an evaluation of the test results was carried out with regard to a possible need for remediation. The building materials and waste generated during the planned conversion measures were also evaluated with regard to their classification under waste management law.

The investigations revealed that the building materials were not contaminated with pollutant levels that would have required pollutant-related remediation measures. However, several building materials were identified in concealed applications for which separation and separate disposal was mandatory due to waste legislation requirements.

In addition to the conversion measures on the existing building, it was also planned to enlarge the building by constructing a new extension. For this, the geological framework conditions of the planned construction site had to be determined as a basis for the planning. For this purpose, MuP Umwelttechnik GmbH Heidelberg carried out a geotechnical subsurface investigation prior to the construction of the new building.

After completion of the planning, the construction measures for the conversion and new building at the Bonhoeffer Community Centre could begin in 2021.

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