Lecture on the use of the large-hole drilling method using the example of a redevelopment in Hoya

Soil remediation1

Lecture on the use of the large-hole drilling method using the example of a redevelopment in Hoya

Paul Jelen represents Mull und Partner Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH Hannover on 08.03.2017 at the event "Exchange of experience on the funding guideline for contaminated sites - water protection" of the State Trade Inspectorate in Hildesheim with the presentation

Use of the large-hole drilling method using the example of a redevelopment in Hoya

On the approximately 770 m² large property in Hoya, a dry cleaning business was operated between the 1960s and 1980s. After numerous investigations on the site, highly elevated levels of CHC were found in the soil and groundwater. At the beginning of 2016, the buildings on the site were dismantled so that extensive remediation investigations could be carried out. The investigations revealed CHC levels of over 12,000 mg/kg in the soil. Due to the considerable contamination and the risk to the groundwater, a source remediation was planned and carried out with the help of overlapping large boreholes. A total of 128 replacement boreholes with depths of up to 8 m below ground level were sunk. In the course of the soil remediation, about 300 kg of CHC could be removed from the soil.

The remediation investigation, remediation planning and expert monitoring of the remediation was carried out by Mull und Partner Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH.

You can find more information here.