For a coffee ... with Patrick Rohkrämer

Social media post square For a coffee Rohlkraemer

This time: Patrick Rohkrämer


  • Name: Patrick Rohkrämer
  • Education: Study of Earth Sciences (FSU Jena)
  • Function: Project processing

What was your day like today/yesterday? 


  • Greeting my dear colleagues and of course picking up the "good morning coffee".


  • Processing mails, invoicing for various projects.


  • Pack the car and off to the study site not far from Leipzig.
  • Documentation of the field work with internal discussion of the pressure sounding results
  • Transmission/reporting of first impressions to the client for their initial information.


  • Sample logistics and documentation of the field work
  • Internal discussion of the pressure soundings
  • Transmission/reporting of first impressions to the client for his initial information


What is the special challenge of your job at M&P?

No two projects are the same. The constant variety is the special attraction and at the same time the biggest challenge in the job. Tricky renovation concepts, building ground investigations or even writing invoices, it never gets boring.

Why did you choose this profession?

An interface between theory and practice was very important to me. As a geoscientist at Mull und Partner, you're not just a desk jockey, you experience the projects and learn constantly.

What makes up the M&P corporate culture?

There are flat hierarchies and an extremely cooperative atmosphere. Our motto "Engineering for a Better Tomorrow" is not just a phrase, it is tangibly lived.

Of course, it is also about business, but when I look at completed projects, such as the clean-up of old gas works or landfills with decades of pollutants in the environment, it fills me with pride to have been involved.

Thank you, Patrick!

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