Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

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This is what the crane's habitat looks like. Doesn't it?

In our projects it also looks like this: Cranes with chicks in an industrial landscape in the middle of soil extraction

Industrial landscapes often do not seem "beautiful" and "far from nature" to us humans. For many protected species, however, they offer welcome retreats - especially on the outskirts of big cities - with the opportunity to raise their young. In our land conversion projects, for example, where former industrial sites are deconstructed to make way for new commercial or residential areas, we experience pleasant surprises time and again. A breeding crane in the middle of a marl quarry is just one example. Little ringed plovers also regularly use the gravelly and moist ground for nesting. Their natural habitat, the regularly flooded floodplains, hardly exists any more. Sand lizards appreciate the dry areas, which are often covered with loose ruderal vegetation at the unused edges, as do rare and protected grasshoppers and wild bees. The construction machinery and the less than "idyllic" surroundings do not bother the animals. As long as they find food and a sufficient amount of peace and quiet.

Certainly, these escape points can often only be used by the animals and plants for a limited time. Compensation for these newly created habitats is often stipulated as part of the approval procedure. In some federal states there are regulations for this, in order to take into account the value of this "nature for a limited time" without fixing the condition permanently at the expense of the owner.

We see a good development in the fact that more and more companies are recognising the nature conservation value of their areas and are consciously enabling the settlement of certain animal and plant species on their premises with biodiversity concepts. Everywhere where the daily routine is not disturbed. The biodiversity experts from Mull und Partner will be happy to support you with their expertise in the conception and implementation of such projects. Win-win in the area of conflict between industry and nature conservation.

#NatureTime #NatureProtection #Protection of species #Mupgroup #Industrial wasteland #Flat conversion

Links to sources:

Nature on Time | BFN

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